Life is Life unfortuantely fantasy takes a back seat.
Monday, March 23, 2020
Yes, life is a bit of a git. My wife hasn't been well and more needs to be gone. Oh and of course this damn virus Covid-19 doesn't help at all.
It is just a one-man band and I have just had so much more to do over these last few months that drawing, and story boarding have just been a little hard to do. However, here is part 12 at least and with things no settling slightly, apart from my daughter being at home and not at school, and the same sort of thing with my son, who is not at college.
Found out during the month that my daughter had secretly started her own YouTube channel off. She didn’t tell us. I thought she had given up on the idea, but no! She under an alias, so I not going to say the name of the channel, let’s just say she had a viral video currently with over 75K views and he sub count is now 1.22K, 3 times my sons 414. Sneaky!!!
With Easter coming up things will get a little weird but not as normal. I will try to get Part 13 of the story done as soon as possible so with hope I’ll have a finished article ready around the Easter weekend.
I will still do the Monthly Moan this week, hopefully later today as long as I’m left in peace.
So, until next time, bye…
Late Again!
Friday, February 07, 2020
Sorry about the delay in posting Part 11, but with my wife being not well I’ve been doing a lot more around the house. Also, it’s that time of the year when schools have meeting etc…
It all it’s been a seriously hectic couple of weeks. Hopefully it’ll all calm down in the next fortnight.
The extra stuff to do around the home etc has meant not much in the uploads on YouTube. I’m based in the living room and when the wife is stuck there with bad legs it’s not possible to knock out a video. Again, next week should be able to get things done on that score as well.
Okay Part 11 of the series continues the story arc with Matt Cancer and the attack on his dark fortress by the military regime. After initial successes it is starting to go wrong in a dramatic fashion.
So, until next time bye…
Back Again - a bit late
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Hello again, sorry about the next part being two days late. I’ve been at the novel as much as possible, but a bit of illness and life in general got in the way.
Anyway, Happy New Year to you all and 2020 rolls in. Trying to juggle life and health and drawing, videos etc is time consuming so I may miss my scheduling at times. It’ll hopefully get better, but this novel is design is time consuming, mainly the writing. I know scanning can be a ball ache as well. The news is a bit sketchy at times and not worthy of responses. It was better when the government were in full meltdown, but now there isn’t an opposition and currently not much to oppose. We are leaving the EU on the 31st and that is certain. The problem is what next? A comprehensive trade deal could take ages to sort out. Normally years, and this lot want it done by December. Good Luck on that one! Meanwhile, over in the US. The President is being impeached and all hell is breaking out.
Globally, Australia is having biblical type events happening. Fires, Flood and massive dust storms. If the locusts turn up, then you’ve got problems!
So back to novel land. You’re now in Part 10 and thing a really moving now. The return of Sir Blive, who was last seen in The End or the Beginning, means that Matt Cancer has got problems, however, attacking him is probably the biggest and dumbest military miscalculation you can make.
Anyway, enjoy part 10, and I’ll be producing some new videos shortly, so until then bye.
Update and schedule for Christmas
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Okay – Part 9 is up. Took some time, was struck down by the dreaded Norovirus after a local outbreak, eesshh! That put me a few days behind, anyway it’s up now.
I also rebooted the You-Tube channel with both The Monthly Moan and A View from the North. Woo on Wednesday will take a little time to nail down.
It’s a week away from Christmas and it’s the Christmas break schedule.
A View From the North – Weekdays up to and including the 23rd Dec – will resume the 6th January
The Monthly Moan – Christmas Special (Christmas TV in the UK is a Joke) – Will be later in the week, then next episode end of January.
Citylife2050 The Great Civil War Part 10 – will be available on January 19th.
So that’s it I take a break off writing during the Christmas period.
What ever you’re doing have a wonderful Christmas / Holiday and a Happy New Year.
Bye until 2020.
Quick catch up
Monday, December 02, 2019
First sorry for the late release of Part 8. My wife has been a little off colour, so I’ve just been having to do a little more round the house. I already do a lot mind you. Also, with Christmas on the horizon it’s all go to get the house ready.
In the story we move in to part 8 and the coup goes into full swing. The general will appear in part 9 and Matt Cancer returns to the story as will someone else from the previous series. I will continue to produce these large episodes, but they are time consuming and as I said before if something at home crops up things go to pot.
On the YouTube side I’ve just not been able to get time to do the stuff. It will happen soon.
Anyway, bye till next time.
Back to Business
Friday, November 01, 2019
Hello one and all. Sorry about the delay in content, and thank-you for bearing with me., with my dad’s passing. It has just taken time to get to funeral, which was held yesterday. Yes, his funeral was on Halloween. I think he would have found that quite funny! This closure allows me to move on and the best thing to do is get back to working on the Citylife2050 website and YouTube channel.
Now there are some changes I need to make to the Website and YouTube channel, and I’ll run down what will happen within the next month.
1. The Novel will now run on a fortnightly issue. The new design and longer parts take longer, and I just need more time to get things done.
2. The YouTube channel. The Monday Moan is no more as is the Tuesday V-Log. Both of these will be removed from the channel completely as will other videos. These will be replaced with a new set of videos.
a. The Monthly Moan. A longer video with me moaning about anything and everything that has happened in the month just gone and what may happen next. (Expect this one at the end of November & the last Monday of each month except for Christmas and Easter)
b. A View From the North. Now I live in the North-west of England, and this will be a two to four minute daily off the cuff look at news and politics that is going on that day.
c. WOO on Wednesday. This is the biggie!!! Response videos against WOO in all it’s forms. Climate change deniers, Flat Earthers, Anti Vaxxers, Moon Landing / Space Deniers etc... If it’s Woo, then I’ll be looking at it. This will be a fortnightly video. This will appear towards the end of the Month.
d. Citylife2050 videos. These will be to do with the novel itself. So, keep a look out for them.
All in all, I think it’ll be a big change to the channel and a lot more content to look at.
Okay, the long-delayed part 6 is now up and available. The End or the Beginning novel is coming along and will give you more info about that in the near future.
If you were with me last year, you’ll probably know that I disappear for the Christmas Week and there will be no exception this year. I’ll of course give you a heads up on times closer to the event.
Anyway, I’m back… please enjoy part 6 and until next time bye…
Delayed updates but unavoidable
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Okay this is a short blog update.
First I apologize for the lack of a story update, but real life sort of gets in the way sometimes.
Sadly on Saturday my dad passed away after illness. He had only just been diagnosed with terminal cancer, but the swiftness of his passing was a shock. I was writing the graphic novel story at the moment I was contacted. I will get part 6 out in a few days time, but part 7 will delayed for a couple weeks.
So until next time bye.
Part 4 will arrive on Saturday and it's BIG!!!
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Well I’m back on to reasonable health. The next part of the novel will drop on Saturday 28th and it’ll be big. I’ll finish off the Huddersfield chapter. Lots of action.
The Monday Moan will follow the news agenda. I’m looking at what to do to expand the YouTube offer, but as the sub count is pitiful, it’s not a priority.
The End or the Beginning is being compiled into a large PDF. Once that is complete, I will design a front cover and my wonderful wife will help with colour. I’m colour blind, that’s why I use black rather than colour.
That’s about it. If you want to see what an ugly so and so I am join me on the YouTube channel Citylife2050 and watch the Monday Moan, subscribe if you like, more the merrier. Until next time bye…
Oh not Ill again!
Friday, September 13, 2019
My nice loving and giving daughter has given me a nice dose of flu. So, I’m having to dose myself up with Beechams and put up with the fact that I feel like a bag of you know what!
This illness is setting me back a bit on writing the fourth instalment of the new series. I was well on track until this struck. So, I’ll have to put a TBA on the date as it depends on how well I’m feeling as we do into the weekend. Damn, just as the weather turns really nice for a few days, allowing me to get the lawn mowed for the last time this year and to finish off the hedge cutting.
I should be okay for the Monday Moan on YouTube, but I’m absolutely shot at the moment. I thought I’d better let everyone know what the hell is going on. Until next time, bye
Saturday Update
Saturday, August 31, 2019
So, from now on the upload of the novel episodes will be on Saturdays gives me a little longer to get the images done. Not only are the images more complex, there is more of them.
Part 2 is a massive 44 frames in length, remember that the last series the maximum was 25, due to the software restriction of the carousel system. The lightbox has a much bigger capacity. I haven’t yet come across what the maximum is on this system. It is a far better format to put this story up on. The black computer shading has given the whole story a cleaner, fresher look. You stand the two stories together and you can’t believe that they related.
Anyway, it took a little longer to get this episode out, sorry for the one-day delay, but I’m just one person and I do have a family that needs looking after as well. Oh, and staying up to the early hours isn’t good for your health.
The End or the Beginning has now been taken down. It is going to be repackaged as a Kindle and POD paperback. So, keep an eye on the website because they’ll be right at the front when they are released.
The V-log was a disaster this week, due to a software update which somehow means that the video was incompatible with my editor, oh great, a waste of an afternoon. It’s politics and general news on a Monday, a re-designed V-log on a Tuesday, plans for Woo on a Wednesday and the graphic novel now on a Saturday.
Enough from me rambling, I see you all on Monday… Bye!
Being Ill and the road ahead
Friday, August 16, 2019
The last couple weeks have been ones that I’d rather forget about. I hate being struck down with the dreaded lurgy, but that is what happened. I got Shingles and boy do you know about it when you get it. Especially on your head and shoulder area. It also ended up with my ear infected and a course of anti-biotics for me. Also, must include the epic amounts of pain killers. Thankfully that is now coming to an end the course has finished and the I’m now on the less powerful pain killers as the epic pain has passed.
Being down slowed down the work on the website, and the cleaning of the End or the Beginning images as well as extra work on the YouTube channel. All that has restarted again and today cleared through a load of proofreads and clean ups on the later images’ parts 35 through to 42, 10 parts to go and it is easier as the images are already dark and it’s mainly proof reading that is required. Hope to cut through the rest tomorrow.
The new story begins as scheduled on the 23rd of August. With a new light box system on the desktop version, similar to what the mobile version uses for you to view the story. It means that I’m not restricted to 22 images.
I will add more to the YouTube channel in the coming weeks, but this week will be gearing up for the new story on the website as well as compiling the old story series into book format. Well that’s it for now, see you on Monday for the Monday Moan 26. Please subscribe to the YouTube channel it would be really helpful.
Quick update
Friday, July 12, 2019
Quick update on what is going on.
Okay currently wading through the previous part of The End or the Beginning. Proof reading and updating the images and PDF’s. The first twelve parts have been re-uploaded and contain the new cleaned up images, as well as most of the writing errors have been located.
New series will start on the 23rd of August. The Great Civil War.
Still popping out YouTube stuff and will soon do a Tuesday V-Log to update you further. So, until then, bye…
It's the end of the series
Friday, June 14, 2019
We have finally got to the end of the series. 52 Parts well over 1000 frames and the series finishes. The last part is basically the Epilogue and finishing the threads. Also introducing a re-occurring character that appears in numerous stories and that is Old Tom who owns and runs the News Shack, at the side of Westgate Green, a small piece of greenery in the ever-expanding city of steel, glass and concrete.
So, what next?
Well, part 52 will stay for a couple weeks before moving to the PDF page. The Story Page will then go off-line. You’ll be redirected to the PDF previous episodes page. The Story Page will undergo a redesign ready for the next story later this summer. During the off period I will cleaning up early episodes sorting out errors and proofreading the episodes adding extra images and then sending it off to become a Kindle and Paperback. Before this point the story will have already been removed. I will also be drawing a lot of stock images for the next story. Lots of backgrounds and character images ready for the new story which I hope to launch sometime later this summer. Keep checking on the website.
What is “The Great Civil War”? It is the second book in the series. It begins about a year after the events of “The End or the Beginning”. The city is now well and truly taking shape and the population is moving towards an eye watering 16 million. Not all is well as discontentment rises. As the characters are now in place this feels a lot more action based. I’m not going to say anymore because you know SPOILERS!!!
Still the YouTube channel will still be active and there will be more content on there, so go and subscribe. I not going away and keep an eye on the website for updates and extra content. The Tuesday V-log will be on only when required during the period with no story.
That’s it, bye for now…
Sunday and all is well!
Sunday, May 26, 2019
So, it’s Sunday and all is quiet. Well sort of. It’s the Euro Election results. These are elections that the UK wasn’t supposed to taking part in. It’ll be interesting just how these elections will go. Theresa May is already stuffed and is about to leave and these elections took place on Thursday here in the UK. Now I looked at the runners and riders in the leadership race, before the PM resigned. Will be doing another moan tomorrow.
Part 50 of The End or the Beginning is now available and brings down the curtain on Destination London, with a bang! The story now starts to close and part 51 will be available a week on Friday. Too much happening this week to get the next part out, so it has been delayed till next week. I did give advanced warning of what was going to happen this week. I’ll be back on track next week.
So, until next time bye till then.
Friday News and Views
Friday, May 17, 2019
Well it’s Friday and the website gets updated again.
Now quick one. There will be no Tuesday V-Log on May 28th and no episode upload on the following Friday May 31st. This is due to a large amount family stuff that needs seeing to during that week. It’s the half-term I have to take Alex to get a suit for the school prom/leavers do. I also have a meeting in the middle of the week at the college and basically, I’m going to be running back a forward that week, which would leave little time to do the graphic novel and V-Log. So, the V-Log will be the week after.
Today I took my daughter down to the fair. We have travelling fair that arrives each year. It’s a shadow of its former glory. No Dodgems, Why? It was once the centre piece of the fairground. Plenty of big rides a load of little ride, nothing in between. This is awkward for my daughter she’s too big for the small rides and she hates the big manic stuff. We spent 15 minutes there. Walked around the rides and then came home. She hooked a duck and won some unicorn poo (sparkly putty). What a waste of money that thing is. She enjoyed it though.
The weather for the week has been warm and dry but the breakdown is beginning with rain forecast today Friday. Usually rains when the fair is in town.
So, part 49 of The End or the Beginning is the start of the end of Destination London. The “Darling” Bunny and Master Gideon have been vanquished, but there are still some vampires roaming around, and a shed load of mutants. However, this episode will look at the gold in vault. A quiet get your breath back episode and a bit of payback from earlier episodes. The series is running very quickly towards its end.
Also, it’s happy anniversary to the website. The domain went live on May 9th last year. A couple weeks after that the website first went up. The basic set up has remained intact. It’s been extended and the pages trimmed to load faster, but it works.
So that is about it… bye for now.
Friday Quick Chat
Friday, May 03, 2019
Well just a quick heads up on the newest part of The End or the Beginning Part 47. This episode is nicknamed “Waterloo Sunset” after the song because of the inclusion of the characters Terry & Julie. If you’re unsure just listen to the song.
This episode introduces us to The Master and sets up for the big reveal next week! A creature that you will not believe,” but its mutation that done it Guv”.
Still we are slowly travelling towards the end of the entire story and it won’t be long now.
I’ve started to clean up some of the first Episode panels. Part 1 was in a totally different format to now, I had to reset them and put the wording back in correctly. That is now done. The other parts aren’t as bad.
Anyway, that’s it for now bye till next time – oh and don’t forget the Monday Moan on Bank Holiday Monday.
Back to Normal
Friday, April 26, 2019
Well after the Easter break the story resumes at part 46. The Bank of England is creepy as hell and infested with the undead, the answer is why? At this point we don’t know.
The End or the Beginning is now in ending towards its finale. So, what next? Well a small break during which I will compile all the episodes clean up the gif’s and export them to a single PDF and then off to Amazon for Kindle and POD publication.
During this time, we’ll still be running the YouTube channel and Shop etc… and the story will still be on the website, until the story is sent to publication on Kindle, after this the story will be removed from the site, making way for the next Citylife2050 saga. The GREAT Civil War.
Also, coming up is the 1st year anniversary of the website. The domain was created on the 9th of May 2018. The website followed a couple of weeks later. The mobile version took a lot longer to put together, but it’s running now. You’ll be glad to know that the website and domain have been secured for another year. With hope the website will continue to see the traffic increase.
Anyway, that’s it for the blog. Enjoy Part 46, also The Monday Moan will be back on Monday 29th April and the Tuesday V-log the following day. Bye till then
Friday and a look to the future.
Friday, April 12, 2019
It’s Friday again and Part 45 of The End or the Beginning is now available. This section, chapter call it what you will is “Destination London”. The big final set piece of the novel. Yes, we are in to the final sections. Hope you enjoy it.
Holiday times. I’m taking a weekend break this Easter, so this is the schedule for the following couple weeks: -
Monday 15 April Monday Moan 10
Friday 19 – Tuesday 23 April No uploads
Friday 26 April Part 46 upload
Monday 29 April Monday Moan 11
Tuesday 30 April Tuesday V-log
Friday 3 May Part 47 upload
As normal until further notice…
On the V-Log I noted the Matt Hates Rabbits T-Shirt. This is available through the shop. Although if you wanted it for Easter it is now too late to order, even on the express delivery.
Hopefully with the slightly lower workload over the week, I’ll have chance to really get to work on the character profile section for both desktop and mobile and the city guide on mobile. The guide requires new pages and then copy and paste work from its desktop variant. On the character profiles new additions, work on the character pages themselves and the start of putting them on the mobile as well. So still plenty of work on the website.
I’ll also be adding more to my Patreon Page, so if you would like to help towards the upkeep of this website and YouTube channel then please hope over there.
As I noted we are entering the final leg of the current novel. What next?
Well there will be a short break during that time I’ll compile the entire novel. Give it a clean up on the computer, and then create a Kindle and Paperback version of the entire story with a few extra images, just to add a little extra to the characters and they go on sale I would estimate near to the end of the summer. When this happens the entire The End or the Beginning will be taken down off the website. Leaving a YouTube summary and the links for the book versions to be purchased.
You will still get you fix however, as I will start a new story. The Great Civil War. Based on 4 earlier stories this is set a year after the event of The End or the Beginning. The same characters, plenty of action and a body count of epic proportions. Now that’s next for the series. The YouTube channel will continue and expand over the next year as will the shop. So with the website renewed for another year and plenty of scope for improvement 2019 into 2020 will be bigger and better than ever.
That’s it for now and bye till later…
Friday Update
Friday, March 29, 2019
Hi all, another Friday.
Part 43 of The End or the Beginning continues Matt Cancer in Penwortham. We have the first meeting of Matt and T.J.
These few episodes are link episodes, quiet, character building and scene setting as well as building the next segment of the story.
Teespring shop is up and running, more designs will appear in the near future
Mobile now has the shop and the City Map page is being built.
Now we are heading toward the Easter Holidays in the UK. During the Easter Break I’ll be having a short break too.
So, there will be no episode update on the 19th April (Good Friday) also on the YouTube channel there will be no Monday Moan on 22nd April (Easter Monday) and Tuesday Vlog on 23rd. Back to normal after that.
Well I’ve paid the next year bill for the hosting of the website which is expensive enough but required so I’ll still be going next year.
Anyway, that’s enough from me, so see you all on the Monday Moan 8. Till then Bye…
Friday Blog
Friday, March 15, 2019
Another Friday means another ramble from me.
The Teespring shop will go live later today replacing the other shop.
However, first let’s talk The End or the Beginning. Part 41 – This link episode brings all the character together in the same place. Matt settles in and all the stories will centre around the main characters. This marks the start of the final leg of the story. It’s not over yet, but the stories will now be based in the UK.
Work still continues on copying info from the desktop to the mobile version of the website mainly the city guide. It’s on the builder but it’s not ready yet. I have a lot of paperwork to sort through this weekend, council and student loans etc… so I’ll not have as much time to sort through the website. Hope I’ll get time on Saturday while the football (soccer) scores are coming in. I don’t watch the matches, I don’t have Sky, Virgin or BT. Nope, I have good old Free Sat. I watch the boring BBC result service on the red button and boy it is boring. So, I can do something else at the same time.
So that’s it for now, until the Monday Moan when you’ll see me, bye
Friday Again New Part, New Shop
Friday, March 08, 2019
Well it’s Friday again and that means that a new part of The End or the Beginning is released. Part 40 winds up the pirate story. Next week Matt arrives on the River Ribble and therefore ends his trip to the city.
We are moving our shop from Spreadshirt to Teespring. Few reasons, but the main one is cost for the customer. Spreadshirt is unfortunately expensive and Teespring less costly. Not only do you the customer benefit from a better price but also, I get slightly more per product as well. Also, the mugs can be printed on both sides. It’s a win, win. The new shop will be available within the next few days.
New T-shirt design is also ready as well. Woo Alert. I’ve put the image in the blog.
So, until next time, bye.
Friday Again
Friday, March 01, 2019
Happy Saint David’s Day,
Apt then that the newest part of The End or the Beginning is set off the coast of Wales and has a bunch of Welsh pirates in it. Part 39 brings Matt Cancer back in to the story as he finally arrives in the UK. He is the final piece if the jigsaw left. With his arrival we now enter the final leg of the story.
Other things happening, well you may or may not have noticed the YouTube channel that is now up and running. Still a few technical niggles to sort out. Better Mic and a better camera. Both of these are on order and should arrive within the next few days. Until then I soldier on with the old webcam and mic that I salvaged.
I’m about to put out a new T-shirt called Whoo Alert and a couple novel related products. Keep watching.
Anyway, I’ll be back on Monday with the Monday Moan IV (Not a New Hope) see you soon bye…
Weekly Update
Thursday, February 21, 2019
Hi All,
I have to take a trip to see the council this Friday, all to do with council tax damn bureaucracy.
Okay new YouTube videos. The Monday Moan II and a quick video called Part 18 Narrated Badly.
Part 38 of the story is a link episode. Yes, no killing. No Matt Cancer don’t worry he’ll be back in Part 39, well he is sailing across the Atlantic towards the UK. Part 39 has Pirates in it. Not Jack Sparrow, more like Somalian. Three tasty looking cargo ships, easy pickings, oh dear!!!
Anyway, more to do bye till then.
Friday Update
Friday, February 15, 2019
Hi Everyone,
Part 37 of The End or the Beginning marks the end of Matt Cancer in the United States. It’s not the last time we visit the U.S. because Shane is still there, and we’ll catch up with him next week. So, this is the point in the story that bring the characters together in to one location, but the story is far from over there is plenty more left.
On to other things. The Citylife2050 YouTube channel is now operational. Although still with teething problems. Sound is the main issue, will have to rope my son in to find out what the perfect setting is for the microphone. It works fine on his laptop, but this is going on the big PC, so just have to do some tests over the weekend ready for Mondays upload. The Monday Moan 2. This weekend I will try to get the city map on to the mobile platform. Working on a small form is a lot different. It won’t be the big click on map as in the desktop, and not all the districts will be separate. Some of the districts are hardly used and are as boring as hell.
I also hope to add some extra character profiles including the most noticeable omission, The Professor. Extras to do over the weekend. I’ll also make two new Citylife2050 thumbnails for the YouTube channel for the Monday Moan and Vlog. Plus, I’m adding a new T-Shirt design called Whoo Alert to the shop.
That’s it from me. So, you can see me on Monday on YouTube and enjoy part 37 of the story until next time, bye…
It was a bit twitchy last night.
Friday, February 01, 2019
All evening yesterday the internet and phone lines were down across Leyland & Chorley. Every company that uses the BT network were hit. Only Virgin who have their own lines were unaffected. The worry last night was the time schedules that were being put out by the various companies as to how long this outage was going to be. Some were giving the time in days. Thankfully BT who's exchange was a fault said it would be around 10pm and at 10.10pm last night the internet and phone came back on. Phew!
Anyway everything is working now so enjoy part 35 and keep an eye on the YouTube channel oh and while you're at it sign the guest book. Oh and if you're a mega fan there is always Patreon, extra stories and videos will appear there. The Adventures of Slab is only available on Patreon.
Bye.. till next time.
End of Jan start of Feb update
Thursday, January 31, 2019
Part 35 done and dusted. Okay the Spanish is most likely wrong. My daughter believes it is as she translated some of what I wrote and said that Google is always wrong. So sorry but you know Google!
Anyway Part 35 continues the Barbours Cut chapter with Matt Cancer setting off on his mission to see Señor El Greedo and rescue the wives and girlfriends of the workers from part 34. Will he succeed or fail. Wait and see.
You my have noticed the Guest Book, please sign it and say hi, also the You Tube channel is a couple weeks from going live. Been testing the mic and soon the camera. Then you see my ugly mug. Did a little slide presentation from the early images, boy thing have changed since then. The images are now cleaned up and edited before use. For Part 35 the images have been converted to total black. Or their original pen colour before being scanned. Makes some of the explosions look really good actually.
Still more work to be done to the website, Profile work, new city map for mobile and complete redesign of the shop. Will be with Teespring soon which will be interesting.
So that’s about it for now, bye until next time.
Friday update
Friday, January 25, 2019
This week has been one of colds, coughing and sneezing etc... Sort of stuff that isn’t what you require when writing stories. However, that hasn’t stopped part 34 being written.
Part 34 starts a new Matt Cancer mini story arc. Now I scoped around on Google Earth to find a suitable location and came across an area just over twenty miles from Houston. Now Matt is a Texas boy, so this is home turf for him. Anyway, Houston has been destroyed and the area evacuated allowing a Mexican crime lord access to the local container port and that’s the base for the story. Matt fights the crime lord as well as gets his ships to travel to Leyland / Penwortham. It’ll last a couple more weeks so the body count will stack up.
I hope this damn bug goes away soon. My wife, one of the kids and myself have all been struck down with it. So, some of the planned stuff didn’t get down especially over the weekend as I was not at all with it.
Plan for the week illness notwithstanding. Additions to the website. I’ll refine the character profile page on the desktop. Also put the city guide on the mobile side of the site and just general maintenance elsewhere. I noticed a couple problems within the PDF’s one was a missing image, which had got through as well as the odd mistake in dialogue, but you know that can happen even in the best books, and although I proof read the text, sometimes things get through.
Well that’s it for now, bye until next time.
Quick Catchup for Part 33
Thursday, January 17, 2019
Hi Everyone,
Part 33 of the story continues the mutants and aftermath of disaster story. As you know we are setting up to download an episode each week on Fridays, so part 34 will be next Friday. Also, soon I’ll be opening up a YouTube channel. The Monday Moan and fortnightly on a Wednesday a quick video about the state of the story, website etc… a video blog in most aspects.
So that’s about it, bye until next time…
Monday update
Monday, January 14, 2019
Hello everyone, well it’s Monday and I’ve been hacking away at the profile index page. I noticed that there are some omissions. I forget the professor for one. The character profiles themselves will also change one by one. Pictures updated from the story where possible.
Next job! Add to the mobile section. The city map section & character profile need adding also the shop section needs adding although as I will be changing supplier that will change as well.
Part 33 – Tomorrow I start on Part 33 of the story. The stricken members of T.J. Investigations are on their way to Rivington to see the Professor, and a plan to get rid of those mutation clouds surrounding the city. I know you like the action-packed episodes but we’re in that lull between the storms. A point in the story to take a breather, before we’re off again.
Anyway, until next time, Bye!!!
New Week New Part
Tuesday, January 08, 2019
Another new episode to the series Part 32. This is a calmer and a talky episode. Lots of character interactions within the T.J. Investigations group. We are firmly based at Leyland this week.
The website work will continue a pace for the rest of the week. More work on the mobile side and extra work on the desktop side. This includes a long overdue upgrade of the character profiles. The city guide will be added to the mobile section although cut down and without the map to click on. Also, the upgrade of the shop will also start within the week. So, it’s all go at the moment. Until later bye…
New Year Post
Thursday, January 03, 2019
Happy New Year,
Now it depends how you view this website, to whether or not you have noticed a change. We’ve got a mobile friendly section!!!
You can now browse the sections of the website from your mobile. Well the bits that are so far operating! It takes time to sort this out and the website over the next few weeks will under-go a clean-up and slight tweaks here and there. Nothing too major in some place. Other areas a complete tear down and rebuild. So, keep watching and keep visiting me, and also pop on to Facebook, Twitter & Instagram. Until next time, bye!
Happy New Year Everyone
Monday, December 31, 2018
The new year beckons. Yes it's New Years Eve and this is the final upload of 2018. What a year it's been. Next year will be a challenge, but it should be interesting.
Anyway, Part 31, of the story introduces the final two main characters of the series at the cost of two characters who have appeared early on. This episode of the story also concludes the nuclear disaster. The characters are still apart, but now its time to move together and start the next major challenge. Building a city.
The End or the Beginning is a large story with a seriously big time span. It is also the scene setter and world context setter. So there is a lot of different thing going on. So if you think things have been strange so far you've seen nothing yet.
So with that I'll wish you all a Happy New Year, Bye till 2019.
Back but things will change.
Sunday, December 23, 2018
Well the outlook was better than expected, although my Dad still will need an operation, things look better than last week, and he is a least back at home with his family for Christmas.
So, we’re back on track for this Christmas and the Christmas Eve episode of the story is available on the story page. This week is the start of the destruction of the planet. George R. R. Martin has nothing on me for deaths. I’m about to wipe out a couple billion people!!! Although saying that I love Game of Thrones.
The next update of the story will be on 31st of December. Then again there will be a change to the schedule. I’ll only be doing 1 episode a week from then on which will be moving to Friday. This will be the episode schedule for the next three weeks: -
Episode 31 – 31st December 2018 (Monday)
Episode 32 – 09th January 2019 (Wednesday)
Episode 33 – 18th January 2019 (Friday)
Then every Friday after that.
Now this change will allow me more time to work on the website, I want to make some major changes to the website layout mainly the character profiles.
I’m also changing where I source merchandise from. I currently use Spreadshirt, but I found them a little pricey and the delivery price is mad!!! So, I’m looking to move to Tee-spring, and will design some new product during the next couple of months.
Finally, I’ll be doing some You-tube videos only 1 or 2 a month, but you’ll get to see my ugly mug more and hear me as well. I’m a well-spoken Northern Englishman. People used to say to me that I spoke posh. Nope it’s just the influences on my accent that came from various sources.
So that’s it, until New Years Eve. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas, Bye
Monday, December 17, 2018
Part 29 would mark the end of the first book. Don’t worry because there will be a part 30 and so on.
The reason for the break is a personal one. When a member of the family is seriously ill it is hard to focus on producing two stories in a relatively short space of time. With my father in hospital and all the turmoil surrounding that I’ll hold off on the next part. Hopefully, I’ll get the Christmas Eve episode down, but that all depends on what happens next. So, I’ll keep you posted on the blog, and fingers crossed.
Till then bye.
Another Episode finished and ready.
Sunday, December 09, 2018
It's late on Sunday and the web-builder is ready to roll tomorrow morning. Thursdays update was a bit of a squeeze and was an afternoon affair. That's when the episode story was complete. Also did a bit of tinkering with the Patreon page as well. If you like what is going on here, join me as a Patron and you get access to Slab and Christmas Eve Killing.
Anyway Episode 27 moves us to the point where the story started. The click of a button, way back in Episode 1. From this point on the story now moves forward in time. What will happen to the hacker and the leader well you'll have to wait for Episode 28 on Thursday. Anyway upload tomorrow and then shopping why? Because Christmas is coming and I need cards etc.. And Monday is the best day to do this.
Bye until next time..
Start of December Update
Sunday, December 02, 2018
So Advent has started. The countdown to Christmas has begun. This is the second week now of two episodes per week. The workload is a lot higher. Less time to work on the actual web-site as well as long evenings inking and setting the text.
So with part 24 we ended the earlier parts of the story and move on a year in Part 25, starting the Middle-East conflict section, with a devestating attack on the U.S. fleet. It sets the ball rolling towards the conclusion of Book 1.
Now looking forward to Christmas. I will within the next fortnight drop The Adventures of Slab (PDF) on to my Patreon Page. If you want it you'll need to be a Patron.
On Christmas Eve I will update the website as usual for a Monday. There will be no update on Thursday 27 December and Thursday 3 January 2019. However, there will be an update on New Years Eve. Then back to normal from Monday 7 January. There my well be blog entries during the festive period so keep a look out for updates to that.
Anyway that's it from me for now, Bye
Catch Up - Extra Parts and Christmas is coming!!!
Wednesday, November 21, 2018
With the setting up of a Patreon account, I decided to up the output of website. As of next week I will be producing two parts of the series each week. So it'll be Monday and Thursdays from now on.
Also in the near future the first twenty parts will be compiled into a small kindle book. All Patrons will get a free PDF version. You know these awesome guys and gals are paying and I don't expect them to pay again.
The website is being more streamlined. The Index/main page was a tad slow at loading. The streamlined version loads in half the time. Much much better. I'll continue to change things over. The next big change will be character profiles.
With the series you may have noticed that we are slowly bringing the characters together. This will continue to happen more and more crossovers until they all together in the city to come.
Anyway that all for now, bye till then...
More updates and Patreon
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
A quick update,
We now have a Patreon account. If you want to support please do. Lots of extras will be available including extra stories and details about the series.
The website is starting to look different. A cleaner simple look. Saves in loading time for the pages. Less imagery and streamlined. However the content is still there.
More soon bye...
Quick Touch Base
Monday, November 12, 2018
Part 21 - We bring the name of one of the series main villains Sir Blive, in to the story. We are actually winding up towards the end of the first book. You won't notice in the series it will just seamlessly continue. Still a few weeks before we get there. Anyway more thing to do so bye till then...
New Look Main Page, and back to normal operations.
Tuesday, November 06, 2018
After a successful Halloween and Bonfire Night. It is time to settle down and nose to the grindstone. First you may have noticed that the Main Page has been streamlined. This is to cut down loading time. The heavy use of images had slowed the loading to a crawl and this new light and airy theme also blends well with the shops new image. The rest of the website will follow suit.
Book is back on track after the two weeks of celebrations and with seven weeks till Christmas I’ll be working hard to get this finished if possible. Things do get in the way, so it’ll be busy. Also, more episodes of the series will be added every week except of course the Christmas and New Year fortnight. So, there will be no episodes on the 24th of December and the 31st December.
I also added a Flat Earth rebuff design to the shop named Flat Earth Brains. It’s a nice design really. I’m trying to image a fed-up Matt Cancer, but he just looks mean instead. A Christmas themed version with a Christmas hat on as well. It’ll get done within the next week.
Now Social Media. I have a Twitter account that I really never used. Never got in to Twitter, but many people use it, so I’ll have to set up a Twitter feed page whatever for the website as well as an Instagram account as well. All the younger audience are on there. Don’t blame them gets away from all us old gits on Facebook.
So, you’ll see changes to the web-site, new additions to the shop, more social media activity and a Patreon account button. Well I need to feed the kids, and this website costs money to upkeep and renew etc…
Well that’s it for now, bye till next time.
Part 19 and it's a Spooky Week (Hopefully!)
Monday, October 29, 2018
Part 19 is a hit back against the main characters and will shock them into action. This part is the start of the end of the story arc about rogue agents in the US. After this the story will start bounce forward quite quickly in time.
This week is of course Halloween, and we'll be hosting the usual trick and treat kids and decorating the garden weather permitting. This is the UK and the Northwest of England, it rains often.
Also I'm looking at getting the other social media platforms off the ground. We already on Facebook. Twitter and Instagram are the next two to tackle.
That's about it for now, keep watching and enjoying the story until next time, Bye.
Another week another part and more
Sunday, October 21, 2018
My wife hits the age of 40 this week coming. She has decided to invite a few of her friends’ round on Friday. This is usually the day that I write the episodes of the CityLife series. So, I’ll hopefully get things going a day or two in advance.
Okay, on to the series Part 18, like 17 this is a story set-up part. No mass killings again. Hell, you’ll think CityLife2050 will be going soft. Well no these episodes are the bridges that hold the story together as a whole. Anyway, this asks some questions which will be answered all in good time. Also, through these parts we are starting to see the relationship between the different character sets. These will weave ever closer as the story progresses. Remember this is based on three older stories that have basically been thrown into a blender and mixed.
Meanwhile the Kindle book is catching up on the series. It’ll be interesting when they pass, and that won’t take too long.
Also, I’m hoping to add a few new items to the shop, some with a Christmas theme. Yes, it’ll soon be Christmas it isn’t that far off.
That’s it for now, bye all.
Family member house move and a busy old week
Monday, October 08, 2018
Okay Part 16 finally ready to go a tad bit late but still uploaded on Monday.
Normal week routine has been up in the air last week, but at least managed to get this part out. Matt Cancer reappears after the Fort Knox episode.
Oh, nearly forgot I'm about to create a set of new social media pages on other networks so look out for the links there.
Also thanks to all the new likes on the Facebook Page it's welcome.
Bye for Now.
Info & updates and more Kindle Novel Work
Monday, October 01, 2018
Well thanks to my wife and daughter I'm now suffering with a nasty head cold. Anyway thankfully Part 15 had already been completed and added to the web-builder to be uploaded today.
In Part 15 we see Shane after his surgery. It follows his training and offer of a new job. It's a quieter part with no one getting killed this time. Problem with Citylife2050 the stories have huge death counts.
Sadly I couldn't make the Comic-con at Preston, I was a bit miffed about this. However my wife did and she managed to talk to a couple graphic novelist that were there so I got some feed back from other more established novelists. Well the feedback was refreshing. The main one was that the story was good and the style was clean. Using the Publisher speech bubbles are okay at the moment but it would be better to free hand them and slight change on the speech lines. Less speech in one go and maybe more pictures with different facial moves. Good idea more drawing on the way in the book. I'll take these on and make the changes to the book version. The series will remain basically unchanged as it has to been done reasonably quickly and I only have a maximum of 22 frames to work with so everything has to be squeezed into that space. So that's it for now have fun and I see you soon, bye.
Kindling Away
Tuesday, September 25, 2018
Still continuing to add to the Kindle Book version of The End or the Beginning. It will overtake the series probably next week and then continue to build with the series then cherry picking from the book. Currently the book is using the series and the 2009 version to work from, as well as some images that have been altered in the computer for use in the book.
Now after part 20 the PDF's will alter. The First 20 will be put together in to a small Kindle Book and will go on sale. The same will occur for Part 21 to 40. Price still to be set although it will be cheaper than the book. The actual story book which contains a lot more than the series, and is in fact a different take on the same story with altered text and more in depth story. So that's it, hope if health allows to be walking around the Comic-Con at Preston this Saturday coming. Until next time bye.
Part 14 of the Series. Research required
Friday, September 21, 2018
Writing the next part of the series has been interesting. Looking at pictures of Fort Knox and the Oval Office. When picturing the characters was quite hard. Fort Knox you can see the depositary, but the main base is off limits. Google Earth gives enough ideas of where to put the character and how large the area is that I’m playing with. The Oval Office well I want it to look vaguely like the place. Although the President in this book looks nothing like any President that has come before. So, the stuff is pencilled at the moment and inking to follow, that is where the detail starts to appear. Finally, it goes on to the PC and everything is finished off. Anyway, better get back to the work. Bye for now.
Thursday what am I up to.
Thursday, September 13, 2018
Thursday evening and have been feeling a little off colour today some damn bug that the kids probably brought back from school. Still adding more and more to the Kindle book version of The End or the Beginning. The book version is quite different than the series. The dialogue is different and there are many extra images. The dialogue scenes are longer and more complex giving more detail. These aren’t required for the series, but in the book, they add a little extra to the Citylife2050 universe.
So tomorrow I turn my attention to series again and for the next instalment we return to follow T.J. and co as they attempt to leave Russia. There will be a lot of new images drawn for this, the existing images from 2009 are not that good and with the difference in character dress etc it wouldn’t sit right. Unlike the current part which was mostly the 2009 images.
Anyway, must drag myself away from the computer and do the domestic duties of feeding the hungry hoard. Oh, and I’m hoping to get to Preston Comic Con to talk to and get to know other graphic novelist that are around. Networking…Bye. P.S. I added a new design to the store based on a character called Slab. He is a concrete slab that was blasted in to space, by mistake. I just taking a swipe at flat-earthers because well I think they are just plain barking mad.
Writing part 12 and Kindle writing too.
Friday, September 07, 2018
So part 12 is well and truly ready to be added to the website on Monday. This part was by far the easiest to write. The reason simple it was mostly already done. Most of the images came from the 2009 version. They are sharper because they were large images originally scanned at 600dpi which is far higher than the 300dpi and smaller images used today. The difference shows up on the web, but not as much on the Kindle transfer.
This week I have been transferring a lot of the images to Kindle and rewriting The End or the Beginning (Full Novel). It's a lot more wordy than it's serial counterpart. Takes a little longer to get to the action,but gives you a little more story and character interaction. The General also looks a little more dangerous than in the series. He's a nasty piece of work. Anyway see you soon and remember that the story is updated this Monday.
Sunday Evening all done for now
Sunday, September 02, 2018
Sunday evening with a bit of music playing through the computer. The speakers on the PC are old but have a good bass on them. Anyway Part 11 is ready for upload in the morning along with this blog post.
This part finishes part 1 of the Russia story. We’ll return later after we visit the United States and meet the next key character. It’ll all make sense, remember we’ve got to bring all these characters together by the time the story finishes. See you soon.
Catch up
Monday, August 27, 2018
Part 10 finally uploaded. Bit late in the day, this time, damn Birthday got in the way. Okay so the T.J. in Russia segment continues. It isn’t as big as the Matt Cancer Moon section. The early part of this novel is introducing the characters with a bit of back story and setting up of the full novel. Difficult a lot of characters and different locations all with a story arc to bring them all together.
Got a delivery of the newest design of T-Shirt from the shop. It looks good. I wear it to Preston Comic Con at the end of next month. I want to meet other novelists. My wife talked to them a couple years back and health willing I’ll get there this time. Networking guys networking. The more people know the more traffic and sales etc… for all of us.
However, that’s it for now, catch you all soon bye…
New Week and more to do
Monday, August 20, 2018
Another week another part to the series. Part 9 is a shift in pace as we move from the moon to Russia. No one killed this week, that won’t last long will it!!!! Come on, this is Citylife2050 body counts are in at least triple figures.
I also added a new image to the shop. Another full colour image. Now I’m colour blind and I use my wife to sort out colour. She is responsible for the skin shade and hair colouring. She also likes the terrible colour of Boothy’s jumper. He has terrible sense of fashion and colour co-ordination.
During this week I’ll be adding new images to the shop and working on the full novel of The End or the Beginning. It follows the series storyline but there is added images and a little more talking that adds to the story. The series was “lets get to the action, quick! – finish with a cliff hanger for next week!”. The full story doesn’t need that. So, more build up and information.
So that’s it for now bye to next time.
New products in the shop
Tuesday, August 07, 2018
Redesigned all the products in the shop, added a touch of colour to proceedings. Matt Cancer Hates Everyone has now been coloured. The Trio has had the higher quality logo added, basically cleaned up the image. A new T.J. T-Shirt in full colour along with a redesigned sooths my violent tendencies set of products. The colour on the Matt Cancer image really looks quite good, thanks to my wife for working on the actual colour. I'm colour blind so I'm hopeless at sorting colour images.
Also Preston Comic Con is in September. I'll be there to see other Graphic Novelists and do a bit of networking. Hopefully next year I'll have something to sell there.
See you soon.
Saturday Ramble
Saturday, August 04, 2018
My life is not exciting at all, in fact it’s usually quite dull and quiet and I like it that way. Saturday night, my wife and daughter have travelled down to Chester and are staying over with family, they’ll be back tomorrow. My wife is seeing her brother and sister and Catherine gets to see her cousin. My son is as usual at my mums. He goes there to get treated and fed and it gets him out of the house for once. That leaves me on my own for once. Great!!!
No distractions, I can get on with what I have to, which is of course get part 7 of the story ready, which is done. Yeah.
The weather round here is thankfully no where near as hot as down south in London. Tomorrow will be the peak around 24 to 25 degrees Celsius, hot enough for me. Feel so sorry for Spain they may get 48 degrees, ouch! No thanks!
Well that’s it from me. For now. Will post the new part on Monday see you soon.
Monday Morning Blogging
Monday, July 30, 2018
Part 6 takes up the maximum capacity of the carousel on my web-builder program. First time I hit this point and there was no information in the help section that tells you that there is a maximum limit. It means that the cut in the story isn’t where I wanted it to be. The cut point will still work as a cliff hanger though.
The weather has cooled off. We had a little break down round here. A few rumbles of thunder and flashes of lightening, but oh it’s better, it had got too hot. Although it was nothing here compared with down south.
This week I got a load of links that I’ve been sent to go through for information. Interesting stuff about other graphic novelists and companies that are interested in graphic novels. There seems to be a surge in this genre.
Anyway, that’s it from me for now see you later.
Saturday...Updating the website.
Saturday, July 21, 2018
So what happened to the nice weather. The day started off with rain. I hate extremely hot weather, but I hate wet more.
Anyway my daughter is complaining that her computer, an old desktop that I used to own, has failed, a software fault that I can't fix and will need the work of a computer engineer to repair. I'll pop in to PC Academy on Towngate and book it in.
Compiled the next part of the serial. Part 5. Couple added bits of info in this episode.
Anyway I seem to be the cook in the house. So I'd better prepare something to eat or my daughter will get even more miserable than she already is.
Till next time take care
Updates and more
Sunday, July 15, 2018
It's been a busy week. However all new images are now in the shop page. They'll need a little bit of tweaking next week, and a few new designs will be added.
Part 4 is up and ready to go, so if you're reading this it's there. Now I'm writing this the night before, and the web-site info is all ready just needs uploading.
Two new sections are going to be added to the story area. A story overview with spoilers and a brief history of how the story was created. These will be added next week. The current links just tell you of the none existence of the page.
Also this week I'll start compiling the pages of the full novel version of The End or the Beginning. Don't hold your breath though as it'll take a while to complete. More info on how it's going will be in the Blog at a later date.
So the weather is still hot, although not quite as hot as it has been over the last few weeks. Now it's a bit humid and overcast, wonderful. NOT! Give me cold winter weather anytime. Yeah, okay I'm weird but I'm a pale and pasty Celt, it's just the way I'm built.
Anyway see you soon bye.
General Catch-Up
Monday, July 09, 2018
Well the weather today is just as hot as ever but cloudy. Updated the story, part 3 is now available. Also chopped and changed the pictures to get them in to the PDF’s, including a missing frame that wasn’t in the part 2 upload. It isn’t vital, so I just ran with it.
Now with a Facebook feed and more stories to write, life has got a bit busier. Oh well at least I’ve got thing to do, and with the weather set fair and dry until at least next week I can probably have another day outside drawing.
England as you’re probably aware are in the Semi’s. So good luck England on Wednesday.
Also, are the Flat Earthers right and Australia doesn’t exist? I say this because the web-site hasn’t had a hit from there yet. I’m joking but it is odd, however Greenland, Central America & the Middle East are also devoid of hits.
See you all next time.
July has Arrived
Monday, July 02, 2018
So, July has arrived. The weather is still HOT and Sunny, with the smell of burning moorland in the air. Yes, I’m downwind of the burning Winter Hill. Or more accurate a few miles to the north-west. Saturday the smoke cloud drifted right over the top of us. It made for a really weird sort of colour tone outside. Thankfully it vanished by the evening which was pleasant enough.
Now all week I’ve had an almost flu like cold. Not Man-Flu. My wife knew I was ill as I get a healthy glow. Yep I look healthy when I’m off colour. Pale and Pasty is my natural look. So Hot weather and a nasty virus, which still is giving me a stuffy nose and the occasional cough a week later, hasn’t been so nice. I don’t operate well in Hot weather anyway, role on winter.
Now I’ve added part 2 of the serial. The body count clock can start. If there isn’t a heap of dead bodies at the end of a story, then it’s not a Citylife2050 story.
Anyway, that it for now see you soon. Oh, I’ve got a Facebook page up, it’ll be fully operational within this week. So, you can comment there or here if you like.
Setting up a Website 6
Monday, June 25, 2018
Just added the link to the Facebook Page that I set up today as well as a new contact email for the website. More to come soon. Bye
A Quiet Sunday
Sunday, June 17, 2018
Well it has been Father’s Day today so have had a real lazy day. However, altered the website. Altered the Main Page and hopefully fixed a problem with the city guide. Would have to be District 13 that was having a problem. My son beat my score on Bejeweled Blitz as well. He must be a hacker. Anyway, have a great day, bye for now.
Web-Site almost done!!!!
Monday, June 11, 2018
Rocking to some eighties music. Almost complete web-site. Only the links and contacts to be added and the site will be fully operational. Yay!!! The weather has been HOT!!! well hot for a pale and pasty Celt like me. Anyhow the kids will be hungry so I'd better feed them. Well my wife works mornings and evenings. She'll also like something to eat when she gets back. Thanks, I'll blog some more soon.
Setting up a Website 5
Monday, May 28, 2018
Bank Holiday Monday, and again it’s a hot one, too hot for me, but I’m a pale and pasty Celt. I go a sort of red colour in the sun.
Okay at the end of last week I put up a few frames of the End or the Beginning. This isn’t the actual graphic novel, it’s a cut down version of the story in episode form. To get what was done in the 16 frames that were put up, took over 40 frames in the actual novel version. The appearance of extra characters, more dialogue more setting the scene. The novel version slowly builds towards the action. The series version I’m putting on the website will get to the action quite quickly and certain bits of info will be missing, it’ll still make sense, but the novel has more. Oh, and at the being you see the enter key pressed on the series, but in the novel, you see the hacker. It’s the picture that’s on this page.
With the kids of school and lots to do this week, it’ll be a bit slow on the web-site building, but I will get more up soon. Bye till then.
Setting up a website 4
Tuesday, May 22, 2018
Wow it's warm. Lovely weather in the UK at the moment. Will have to attack the hedge at some point, it looks like something horses jump over at the Grand National.
Catherine's birthday party went well, although the sleepover girls got my wife a bit annoyed on the Sunday, Especially when Catherine and one of her friends went mad outside with glitter. The driveway sparkles as does everything else. It's a git to get rid of the stuff.
Anyway I've been away from the web-site today, so tomorrow it's back to web-site design and a load of drawing, except for the gardening and hedge chopping. See you soon!
Setting up a Website 3
Friday, May 18, 2018
This weekend has been very busy in other aspects. Have however added some new designs to the shop. Will use Spreadshirt for now, although I am looking at other companies in the UK that can offer the same sort of service at a better price. Spreadshirt are kind of expensive. Not much chance to do much this weekend as my daughter is having a birthday get together with her friends, 8 or 9, 12 year old girls rampaging round the house for the day with a couple sleeping over for the night. So might get a chance to do something on Sunday, but I'm unavailable to Tuesday after that oh fun.
Setting up a Website 2
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
Wednesday - Still doing the web-site now about to continue the character profiles. Will add others at a later date. Get the main ones in. My Wife has been unwell with muscle problems in her legs. She could hardly walk on Saturday so been a little bit occupied with that.
Also with my daughter inviting her friends over for a little get together / birthday party on Saturday - oh joy. A house full of 11 & 12 year old girls nightmare. My son Alex has the right idea get the hell out of here. He's off to my mums for the day. I can't I have to cook pizza etc...
Oh well back to web building...
Setting up a Website 1
Thursday, May 10, 2018
So this is a blog for the first week of setting up a website for my graphic novel series and all that goes with it and it's a learning curve.
I'm no programmer, oh I learnt Basic, Pascal & Cobol when I was younger but I'm not and never was an ace programmer. I know some really good programmers and my son seen to be happy coding away.
Anyway I'm using WYSIWYG web builder 14. I works well has a lot of add ons and all manner of menus button templetes etc... which I'm still getting to grips with.
I have used Dreamweaver, although it was a long time ago, and this piece of software reminds me of that version quite a lot. Anyway on with design, hopefully this all get published within the next couple weeks